Pat Bartholomew praises UGCC head, writing a preface to his book

Sviatoslav Shevchuk and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: UGCC

Patriarch Bartholomew wrote the preface to the new edition in Polish of the book by the head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk ‘Message of Peace’, in which he said that this is ‘an honest, sincere, full of care conversation of His Beatitude Archbishop Sviatoslav with his people. Before you is a daily conversation of a father with his children’, as reported on the UGCC website.

According to Patriarch Bartholomew, the publication of the Polish translation of Shevchuk's book will contribute to spreading the truth about the terrible war in Ukraine: "The appearance of this first version is important because Poland was the first to give refuge to millions of Ukrainians, providing them with homes, social protection and working conditions. We hope that translations of this chronicle of justice, caring and evangelical spirit will soon appear in other languages to inform the world and encourage greater support for Ukraine."

As the UOJ reported earlier, the Uniates expressed gratitude to Patriarch Bartholomew for his constant contact with the UGCC.

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