Stefanchuk to regulate Bill 8371 not only legally but also “canonically”

Ruslan Stefanchuk. Photo: VR Speaker’s Press Service

The Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada found several legal inaccuracies in draft law 8371 and announced that canonical issues related to the law would be addressed.

Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, criticized draft law 8371, which actually bans the the UOC in an interview with "Ukrainski Novyny" (“Ukrainian News”).

He noted that the law had undergone significant changes for the second reading, expanding from 1.5 pages to 25.

"Today, I will have a meeting with my colleagues, and I will share all my concerns because there are many legal inaccuracies that will later affect court proceedings, some nuances, some repetitions, duplications in the terms of this text," he said.

Additionally, Stefanchuk announced some canonical work on draft law 8371, the details of which he did not disclose.

"In addition to legal work, we must clearly carry out, and we have agreed on this, certain things related not to legal but to canonical matters. I will not disclose what, but we have plans that we also agreed upon among ourselves," said the VR Speaker.

After this, Stefanchuk promised that the next session of the Verkhovna Rada would begin with consideration of this draft law.

As reported by the UOJ, MP Maryana Bezuhla stated that in the near future, a Ukrainian delegation of deputies would go to the USA to provide "additional explanations" and negotiate the adoption of law 8371 by the Parliament.

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