UOC hierarch at Tithe site on the Baptism of Rus day: We hope for revival

Bishop Kliment of Borovka. Photo: Desiatynnyi Monastery

In Kyiv, at the site of the demolished St. Volodymyr and Olga Church, the abbot of the Tithe (Desiatynnyi) Monastery, Bishop Kliment of Borovka, held a prayer service and addressed the faithful on the Day of the Baptism of Rus. This was reported on the monastery's Telegram channel.

The bishop thanked everyone for their joint prayer and also those believers who come to this place to pray on other days.

"Old-timers said that prayer here never ceased. Everyone understood the significance of this church – it is the first cathedral of Kievan Rus, where hierarchs served, who ordained priests and deacons. The Baptism of Rus began from this place. Clergy traveled from here across the country, churches were built, icons were transmitted from here, many of which became miraculous. From here, the enlightenment of Rus in Christ began," the bishop said.

He urged the faithful to continue praying so that "the Lord, through the prayers of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Volodymyr, would revive this place, the cathedral, so that in our country, which considers itself Christian, churches would no longer be destroyed but built and revived, and so that indeed, on the hills of Kyiv, the grace of the Holy Spirit would shine forth."

As the UOJ reported, a prayer service was held at the site of the Tithe Church in honor of the patronal feast.

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