Cleric of Kremenchuk Eparchy of UOC killed at the front

Oleksiy Stohniy. Photo:

On 16 July, a cleric of the Kremenchuk Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Oleksiy Stohniy, was killed in the Donetsk region. The farewell to the warrior took place on July 22 in Khorol, Poltava region, reports the Khorol territorial community.

It is reported that Fr Oleksiy left his spiritual service at the Holy Intercession Church of the Kremenchuk Eparchy of the UOC on 1 April 2024, and went to fight upon being drafted, just like his son Serhiy. He served as a machine gunner in a separate rifle battalion of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The farewell ceremony was organised in the square of Khorol, and he was buried in his native village of Berezniaky.

As reported, the UOC Theological Commission has expressed its stance on mobiliяation.

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