BOC head: If a political crisis hits a dead end, the Church shows the way

Interview with Patriarch Daniel for the program 'Panorama' on BNT. Photo: Screenshot of bntnews video

The state authorities cannot solve the fundamental problems of human beings related to the meaning of life and the salvation of the soul, while the Church has shown that in this regard, there is no alternative to Her, said Patriarch Daniel of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in his interview on BNT.

According to him, the role of the Church is to show people that there is always a way.

"If a political crisis reaches an impasse and no understanding can be achieved, the Church always points to the path that leads to the Kingdom of God. The Lord told us: seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well," noted Patriarch Daniel.

The Primate of the Bulgarian Church believes that a public servant, any leader, is a servant of God.

"Because it is beneficial for everyone that there is law and order in the state and society in which we live, and the responsibility for this lies with the leaders," he emphasized.

The Patriarch also expressed the opinion that interaction between state and church authorities is necessary in all areas.

"Among Orthodox Christians, there are representatives of all political parties, people with different views, but what can bring us to unity is not each person seeking their own truth. To some extent, our human truth, but to a large extent, it is a distortion," he concluded.

As the UOJ previously reported, the head of the BOC mentioned that Patriarch Neophyte did not retreat from his church position even under pressure.

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