Patriarch of Bulgaria on the war in Ukraine: Hostilities must cease

Interview with Patriarch Daniel for the program "Panorama" on BNT. Photo: bntnews

Patriarch Daniel of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, in his first television interview on BNT, shared his position regarding the war between Russia and Ukraine.

"If we proceed from the principle of humanity, we will be on the side of all people and will not allow ourselves to be divided by various 'philes' and 'phobes'," said the Patriarch when asked about whether he sides with Russia in its conflict with Ukraine.

The Primate of the Bulgarian Church reminded that even before assuming the position of Patriarch, he repeatedly stated that "in this conflict, as in any conflict, the best course of action is to stop the hostilities, the bloodshed, and bring the warring parties and others involved to the negotiating table."

As the UOJ previously reported, Patriarch Daniel of the BOC stated that there can be no compromises regarding the canons of the Church.

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