BOC head: Patriarch Neophyte adhered to the Church’s position under pressure

Late Patriarch Neophyte of Bulgaria. Photo: BGNES

In his interview with the official journal 'Church Gazette', Bulgarian Patriarch Daniel noted that the late Patriarch Neophyte is a prime example in his patriarchal service.

He recounted how he witnessed Patriarch Neophyte as Chairman of the Holy Synod ultimately facilitate the adoption of correct decisions with his balanced approach and attention.

"Patriarch Neophyte, no matter how physically weak he became towards the end of his life, did not retreat from his strictly ecclesiastical position despite numerous attempts from powerful political factors in society to influence him," noted the head of the BOC.

According to Patriarch Daniel, despite the controversies that caused discord and divisions between individual Local Churches, the firm and principled adherence to the strictly canonical positions allowed the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to maintain communion with all other sister Local Orthodox Churches and preserve its internal unity and peace.

As emphasized by the current Primate of the Bulgarian Church, his predecessors Patriarchs Neophyte and Maxim are examples for him: "They were bearers and embodiments of the unity of our Holy Church."

As the UOJ previously reported, Patriarch Daniel of the BOC stated that there can be no compromises regarding the canons of the Church.

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