Tiahnybok links Farion's murder to UOC

Oleh Tiahnybok and Iryna Farion. Photo: radiosvoboda

The leader of the Svoboda party, Oleh Tiahnybok, published a statement on Facebook regarding the murder of Iryna Farion in Lviv on July 19, accusing the Russian Federation and the "Moscow Patriarchate", which has not yet been banned.

"The Moscow Patriarchate is not banned and continues to operate in the interests of the Moscow aggressor... Ukrainian authorities must openly name the instigator – Moscow. We must completely neutralize the Moscow agents, no matter what garb they dress in, ban their organizational structures, and destroy their financial and material resources," Tiahnybok demanded.

It is known that a young man shot Iryna Farion near her home and then fled. She was taken to the hospital with a head injury in serious condition. Doctors performed surgery, but later reported her death. The search for the perpetrator continues.

As reported by the UOJ, an MP from the 'Voice' party demands the ban of the UOC, calling it "FSB agents with weapons stockpiles".

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