Dumenko discusses relationship between OCU and state with MIA Secretary

Dumenko and Ukrainian officials. Photo: pomisna.info

Epifaniy Dumenko, head of the OCU, met with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ina Yashchuk, according to the press service of the OCU.

The meeting addressed the relationship between state structures and the church, discussed the religious situation in Ukraine, and agreed on cooperation for the spiritual support of soldiers undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in healthcare institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Also present at Dumenko's residence were Larisa Bezukh, head of the State Institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv and Kyiv Region", and Yuriy Musiyenko, head of the institution's legal department.

As reported by UOJ, Dumenko discussed the religious situation in Ukraine with the head of Ukrzaliznytsia.

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