Trump promises to root Christian ideology in society

Conservatives have published their proposals in the "2025 Program". Photo: Insider

A document titled "Project 2025" has been published in the USA, which represents nearly 1,000 pages of wishes from the conservative administration and is considered a potential presidential program for US presidential candidate Donald Trump, reports DW.

The document is already being called a conservative revolution for the USA, aimed at transforming the country. Among other things, it proposes prioritizing traditional families, restricting abortion rights, and rooting Christian ideology in society. According to this plan, the state will have greater control over educational institutions, and programs for the LGBT community will be curtailed.

Publicly, Trump has said he does not support the program, but some parts of this document were copied from speeches by his team and written by them. What exactly will be included in the presidential program of the U.S. presidential candidate will become known after the Republican convention.

As the UOJ reported that a politician who criticized the persecution of the UOC could become the Vice President of the USA.

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