Amsterdam: Law 8371 is to be voted on next week

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Photo: portal.lviv

It has become known that MPs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine plan to introduce bill No. 8371, which effectively bans the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, into the agenda for next week. American lawyer for the UOC Robert Amsterdam wrote about this on his Twitter on July 17.

"The timing is highly provocative, coming right after the RNC – pushing an illegal bill to attack freedom of religion; a real slap in the face of Ukraine's benefactors," Amsterdam said.

The lawyer emphasized that he supports Ukraine's sovereignty and continued US assistance, but billions of taxpayer dollars require at least a commitment to the rule of law and human rights.

"The US can never be involved in funding the repression of an entire religion based on false pretense – it is against international law," he wrote.

As the UOJ reported, the U.S. Vice President could become a politician who criticized the persecution of the UOC. U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump has chosen Ohio Senator JD Vance for this position.

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