MEP: I'll bring a priest to cleanse the European Parliament of devils

Romanian MEP Șoșoacă in the European Parliament. Photo: Politico

Newly elected Romanian MEP Diana Șoșoacă, in her first speech, stated that she would summon a priest to sanctify the offices and cleanse this legislative body of the European Union of "devils", reports Politico.

A former member of the upper house of parliament in her own country, she gained notoriety in Romania for her anti-immigration and anti-vaccine stances, as well as her disruptive behavior in the Bucharest legislature.

"Just like in the Romanian parliament, here the devils meet," she said.

“I will bring a priest to consecrate the offices and wherever else I can. It is my right to religion, to the expression of my religious faith,” Șoșoacă told the reporters, adding that she has already brought incense, myrrh, and an icon of Saint Paraskeva.

Previously, Șoșoacă, leader of the far-right party "S.O.S. Romania," shocked the assembly by crossing out the names of candidates during the vote for the President of the European Parliament and writing slogans on the ballot against aid to Ukraine, as well as against LGBT and the "EU dictatorship".

As the UOJ reported, renowned Ukrainian lawyer Valeria Lutkovska previously stated that the law banning the UOC could hinder Ukraine's path to the EU.

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