In Kalynivka, UOC sacristan who died at the front given last rites

Mykhailo Kostiantynov. Photo: Rivne Eparchy

In the city of Korets, Rivne region, a burial service was performed for the 25-year-old fallen serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Mykhailo Kostiantynov, who fought on the Luhansk front, as reported by the eparchy's website.

Mykhailo was memorialized in the church where he had served as a sacristan since childhood. The funeral service was led by the rector of the St. Seraphim Church of the UOC in the village of Kalynivka. The farewell ceremony first took place in Korets and then in his native village.

"Mykhailo never left the church. When he came on leave, he would come to our church, confess, and receive Holy Communion. Mykhailo's death is a great and irreplaceable loss for our church community," said the rector of the church, Fr. Havryil.

The Rivne Eparchy of the UOC expresses sincere condolences to the family and prays for the repose of the hero's soul.

As the UOJ previously reported, the son of a priest from the Ostroh district of the Rivne Eparchy of the UOC also died at the front.

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