Poroshenko in parliament: Why the hell isn't the church law put to a vote?

Petro Poroshenko. Photo: screenshot youtube.com

The leader of the European Solidarity, Petro Poroshenko, from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada, urged the MPs to urgently vote in the second reading on bill No. 8371 to ban the UOC. The speech was posted on the politician's channel.

Poroshenko stated that the best gift for the people of Ukraine on the holiday of the Baptism of Rus would be a law banning the UOC.

"Why the hell, for six months, even more, hasn't the Church law been put to a vote?" Poroshenko shouted from the rostrum.

He mentioned seeing Ukrainians in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra for whom the army, language, and faith matter.

"I emphasize that this week the church law must be voted on. And those who haven't signed it yet – sign it immediately," concluded the ES leader.

As reported by the UOJ, the head of the European Solidarity party and former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, published a congratulation on the 1036th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, in which he stated that this week he would "enter combat" with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, calling it "an unclean force against faith".

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