Muzhdabaev: UOC priests are the best exchange fund

Ayder Muzhdabaev. Photo: Screenshot from

Media manager and journalist Ayder Muzhdabaev claimed that UOC priests are "the best exchange fund". He shared his opinion in a video by Borislav Bereza, commenting on the exchange of the ruling bishop of the Tulchyn Eparchy of the UOC, Metropolitan Jonathan, for the deputy head of the Mejlis, Nariman Dzhelyal, in Russia.

"In the exchange with Nariman, the main thing for me, you know, was that this group of people was exchanged for Russian priests. This is the best exchange fund. Let Dmitruk bring his priest friends to an agreed place, maybe for a prayer service for Putin or for peace, and then they can all be arrested for the exchange," he said.

Muzhdabaev explained his view of this exchange scheme: arrest UOC priests for treason and exchange them in Russia.

"They are exchanged, practice proves it, they are happily exchanged for our prisoners," he concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, Ayder Muzhdabaev had previously called for the physical destruction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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