Zoria: UOC brought people to Tithe Church demolition site to cry on camera

Yevstratiy Zoria. Photo: gazeta.ua

The head of the press service of the OCU, Yevstratiy Zoria, called the demolition of the Tithe Vladimir-Olga Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kyiv the "right decision". Zoria believes that after this "unauthorized construction" was dismantled, representatives of the UOC began "massively bringing people to cry on camera". He stated this in an interview with Gazeta.ua.

According to the head of the press service of the OCU, "one cannot commit evil under the guise of good intentions."

"For the 'Russian world', it is important to show that Kyiv is theirs, Russian. Therefore, removing this symbol of spiritual and material invasion into our history was the state's duty," he said.

Moreover, the OCU spokesperson believes that the UOC believers, who came to pray and lay flowers at the site of the demolished Tithe Church, were actually "crying on camera".

"There is another important point: after this unauthorized construction was dismantled by court order, they began massively bringing people to cry on camera about how they are suffering," said Yevstratiy Zoria.

He lamented that he did not see anything similar at the sites of churches destroyed by Russian occupiers. According to his false assertion, UOC news about the destruction of churches does not mention that it was done by Russian troops.

"Even in this, they do not want to blame Russia. All their statements are directed against Ukraine: it oppresses them. And at the same time, they claim to be against the war and pray for peace," concluded the OCU representative.

As the UOJ reported, on July 8, in the village of Novoekonomichne in the Pokrovsk district of Donetsk region, the Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in honor of the Most Pure Nativity of the Theotokos was significantly damaged due to Russian shelling.

Earlier, a cleric of the OCU explained why it is unacceptable to demolish churches and rejoice over it.

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