His Beatitude says why it is important to preserve love in the modern world

Metropolitan Onuphry. Photo: news.church.ua

In his sermon on the feast day of the Assembly of the Twelve Apostles, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphy explained why fulfilling the two main commandments of the Lord – love for God and love for one's neighbor – is so important. This was reported by the Information and Educational Department of the UOC.

The Primate noted that the apostles' preaching transformed the world and gave humanity hope for salvation.

"The apostles preached the most important thing: a person must love God and a person must love their neighbor, who bears the image of God," he said.

His Beatitude emphasized that, although it is difficult to maintain love in a world where evil and falsehood reign, especially towards those who offend us, one must strive to do so.

"It is necessary to struggle with oneself because when the Lord came to us, we were not angels but beast-like people. We lived by animal instincts. The Lord came to us and loved us all, was crucified for all of us, and resurrected for all of us. Therefore, we must strive to love everyone – those who love us and those who hate us," the Archpastor stressed.

In conclusion, the Primate urged his flock to build their lives on the laws of love and humility.

"If we live such a life, it will be our gift to the Apostle Andrew, our enlightener and preacher, and it will be pleasing in the eyes of God. And when a person completes their earthly life, forcing themselves to live on earth according to the laws of love, that person will be greatly honored in heaven – to be saved and to live in paradise, in Christ Jesus, our Lord," said His Beatitude.

As the UOJ previously reported, His Beatitude congratulated Ukrainians on the Day of Statehood.

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