His Beatitude congratulates Ukrainians on Statehood Day

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Photo: news.church.ua

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry congratulated Ukrainians on the celebration of Ukrainian statehood, as reported by the UOC's Information and Education Department.

The Primate of the UOC stated that modern Ukraine is the successor of ancient Kyivan Rus, and the invaluable treasure passed down by our ancestors is the Christian faith, which has become a gracious force for the people in state, spiritual, cultural, and educational development.

"A Christian is called to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, but every follower of Christ is also a citizen of their earthly homeland. The Lord has given us the blessed Ukrainian land with rich resources and fertile soils so that through conscientious work we can reap abundant fruits, leading a peaceful life. However, peaceful life is something our homeland has not known for many years. The Russian military intervention has disrupted the peace and tranquility of our people, taking the lives of our compatriots," he said.

His Beatitude reminded that the Ukrainian army, among which are faithful members of the UOC – glorious descendants of the ancient Kyivan knights and Zaporizhian Cossacks – are now defending Ukraine, exemplifying the sacrificial fulfillment of Christ's commandment to love one's neighbor.

"Today, we should especially remember the outstanding enlightener, our equal-to-the-apostles Prince Volodymyr the Great. It was through his efforts that the powerful Kyivan state emerged, whose strength lay in the unity of spirit, where our ancestors loved the Living God and from then on began to respect each other despite their diversity," said the Primate of the UOC.

He emphasized that Ukrainians must maintain unity, "especially in such a fateful time when any divisions in our society are preferred by the enemy to be used against us."

Metropolitan Onuphry stressed that "as the historic Church of the Ukrainian people, we steadfastly stand with our people, carrying out our salvific mission in all territories of our homeland. On this day, our hearts and prayers are with our people, especially with our clergy and brothers and sisters in the occupied territories, whose return we eagerly await."

"Our strength is in unity! Only in unity, love for God, and mutual respect for each other can we overcome the enemy and rebuild a flourishing Ukraine of peaceful future!" he concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, the Primate of the UOC recently consecrated a church in Kyiv in honor of the Assembly of the 12 Apostles.

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