Excommunicated Archbishop Viganò says he will continue his ministry

Carlo Maria Viganò. Photo: adcon.info

If excommunicated Archbishop Viganò follows through with his intention to continue celebrating the Eucharist for his supporters, residing in a former desert near Viterbo, Italy, he risks being defrocked. This was stated by prelate Vittorio Gepponi, a professor of canon law at the Pontifical Antonianum University, reports Credo.

“Obviously, more severe sanctions can be imposed on him for his persistent and obstinate rejection of ecclesiastical authority and communion,” he said. Prelate Gepponi reminded that a similar fate befell Italian priest Alessandro Minutella, who was defrocked for not recognizing the Pope's authority.

As reported by the UOJ, on July 5, 2024, the Vatican announced the latae sententiae (automatic excommunication) of Archbishop Viganò, citing his refusal to acknowledge and submit to Pope Francis. The former papal nuncio to the United States has been subjected to the most severe punishment in the Catholic Church: he is prohibited from communicating with the faithful and denied access to the sacraments.

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