UOC bishop takes part in consecration of throne in Prague cathedral

Liturgy in the Cathedral of Prague. Photo: facebook.com/orthodox.shield

On July 5, 2021, the vicar of the Khust Eparchy of the UOC, Bishop Simeon of Uglia, took part in a festive service at the Saints Cyril and Methodius Cathedral in Prague, reports “Orthodox Transcarpathia” on its Facebook page.

The hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church concelebrated with Archbishop Michael of Prague and Archbishop Joachim of Beroun. The bishops consecrated a new throne in the cathedral.

Bishop Simeon arrived in Bohemia a few days ago. On Saturday, July 3, together with the hierarchs of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, he participated in the celebrations on the occasion of the commemoration day of Monk John of Bohemia.

As reported, the hierarch of the UOC took part in the consecration of the temple of the Supraśl Monastery in Poland.

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