Dumenko congratulates Patriarch of Bulgaria who does not recognize OCU

Dumenko and Zoria at the funeral service for Patriarch Neophyte in Bulgaria. Photo: Facebook

Epifaniy Dumenko congratulated the newly elected Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on his enthronement, according to the OCU website.

In his congratulatory message, the head of the OCU noted that his religious structure and the BOC "are daughters of the Great Church of Christ in Constantinople, from which the Bulgarian holy king Boris and the Kyiv Holy Great Prince Volodymyr received baptism for their peoples, integrating them into a unified European civilizational space."

He reminded that the OCU gratefully remembers the late Patriarch Neophyte, who condemned Russian aggression against Ukraine.

"We hope that Your Holiness will continue to raise the voice of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church against Russian crimes – in the name of the victory of truth and a just peace for Ukraine, Europe, and the world," concluded Dumenko, asking the Patriarch of the BOC to pray for the OCU.

As reported by the UOJ, Patriarch Neophyte previously stated that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the only canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine – it is the patient, loving, and long-suffering Mother of the millions-strong Orthodox Ukrainian people.

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