On July 1, Orthodox Christians begin Peter's Fast

Orthodox Christians have begun the Peter's Fast. Photo: Podrobnosti.ua

The fast of the Holy Apostles, established before the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul, begins on the Monday of the Week of All Saints. The establishment of the Peter's or Apostolic Fast dates back to the early centuries of Christianity. It is first mentioned in the "Apostolic Tradition" by Saint Hippolytus of Rome (3rd century). At that time, this fast was considered "compensatory"—those who, for some reason, could not fast during the Great Lent before Easter, fasted "after the end of the festive period" (from Easter to Pentecost).

The consecration of the Constantinople church on the feast day of the apostles on July 12 became the official end date of the Peter's Fast. The beginning of the fast, a week after the day of the Holy Trinity, depends on the date of Easter, so its duration varies: from 8 days to 6 weeks.

This fast is established in honor of the holy apostles, who prepared themselves for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel with fasting and prayer and prepared their successors for the work of salvific service. The Apostolic (Peter's) Fast is a means of instruction, so that believers can internally muster themselves and at least partially partake in "Peter's firmness" and "Paul's reason and enlightened wisdom".

Strict fasting (dry eating) is observed on Wednesdays and Fridays. On Monday, hot food without oil is allowed. On other days – fish, mushrooms, and grains with vegetable oil are permitted.

As reported, the OCU announced that there will be no Peter's Fast this year.

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