Publicist – to authorities: If you persecute UOC, we'll never vote for you!

Prayer standing of believers of the UOC at the Verkhovna Rada. Photo: UOJ

The persecuted believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will never vote again for their persecutors. The Ukrainian writer, poet, publicist and Orthodox Christian Yan Taksiur said this at the round table "The Basic Law of Ukraine and its Application in Relation to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church."

He noted that the majority of those who persecute the Church are non-church people and do not understand: if the temples are taken away from the believers, "the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the woods, in the deserts, in the caves ... Christ will find a place for worship because we are His Church."

“I want to say purely pragmatically to those who persecute our Church. You will not be able to implement the project of filling a new religious structure with people instead of ours – you will never succeed: as the OCU was empty, so it will remain empty. The second thing you don’t understand is that these people will never vote for you again, you will not get them to,” said the writer.

Yan Taksiur also emphasized that the persecutors of the Church carry out violence against the immortal human soul. At the same time, they "are also the creatures of God, Who is confessed by those whom they persecute."

“Christ created not only us, but also you, respected or not very respected persecutors,” he recalled.

Recall, according to Yan Taksiur, the authorities are wrong when they think that if they strong-arm the UOC believers, the latter will rush to the OCU.

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