“Miriane” in Rivne: Voice of one is voice of none but UOC is not one person

Tatiana Tsarukh, head of the Rivne office of the Miriane movement. Photo: video screenshot of the “Miriane” YouTube channel

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not one person: there are many of us, and our voice must be heard. The young believer of the UOC Tatiana Tsarukh, who heads the regional office of the Miriane movement in the Rivne region, is sure about it.

“Faith for me is the greatest value in life,” said the believer in a video posted on the project's YouTube channel. “I do not separate myself from the Church. Her sorrows are my sorrows, Her joys are my joys."

In her opinion, at the moment faith for Ukrainians has become something more than just a personal matter: temples are taken away from the parishioners of the UOC, their rights as believers are violated, they are stigmatized, etc. So is it sensible to keep silent, if one day they can take away a temple from you, and you personally will be an outsider because of your faith?

“I believe that our opinion needs to be communicated to people,” said Tatiana. “The values that our Ukrainian Orthodox Church upholds are close to me. These are Christian values, traditional values. And I was pleased to see and hear about the movement of the laity, which ideology I share. I joined this movement and invite all those concerned who want to work for their fellow-thinkers."

She stressed that “on the surface, we are only grassroots, and the voice of one person will not be heard. But the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not one person, there are many of us."

The participant of the “Miriane” called on active Orthodox Ukrainians who are not indifferent to the fate of their parish and the Church to join the movement.

“I would like all active citizens of our country, Orthodox Christians, to feel the need for their opinion to be heard and to join our movement. Besides, we would like to pass the shrines that were given to us by our parents to our children, so that our faith will become what we are proud of, which is the pillar for our life, for our society not only on paper, but also in real life,” Tatiana Tsarukh summed up.

Let us remind you that earlier the “Miriane” explained how believers can join the movement.

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