Sermon: By your prayers, brethren have remained in the Lavra for over a year

Prayer vigil near the Lavra on June 26, 2024. Photo: screenshot of video

On June 26, 2024, in his sermon after the prayer vigil near the walls of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, a priest encouraged the faithful, noting that their efforts were not in vain. This was reported by the Save_Lavra Telegram channel.

The clergyman emphasized that sometimes people desire visible miracles, wanting God to instantly stop all suffering: the war, the persecution of the Church.

"We pray for this, but the war continues, the persecution of the Church continues, there is no love among people," he said. "Should we give up? May it not be so."

The priest urged the faithful to ask God for help, for inspiration, and zeal for their own salvation, for work for the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, for the brethren who pray for them.

"God grant that we do not believe that there are no miracles and that the Lord does nothing. We all remember how quickly they intended to expel the monks from here. But a true miracle is happening. This miracle has been happening for over a year. Is your prayer in vain then?" he asked the Christians.

The Orthodox believers responded, "No," and assured him that they would continue to come to the prayer vigil in the future.

As the UOJ reported, prayers for imprisoned faithful continue near the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

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