Pope urges to break the "wall of prejudice" with Orthodoxy

Pope Francis and Metropolitan Emmanuel. Photo: romfea.gr

On June 28, 2021, Pope Francis, during a meeting with the hierarch of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Metropolitan Emmanuel (Adamakis) of Chalcedon, urged to break the “wall of prejudice” between the RCC and Orthodoxy, reports the resource Vima Orthodoxias.

A delegation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, headed by Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon, arrived in the Vatican to take part in the celebration of the day of remembrance of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

During a meeting with representatives of the Phanar, the Pope said that "Isn't it time to give a new impetus to our journey through the Spirit in order to dispel old prejudices and once and for all overcome harmful disputes?"

The head of the RCC also noted that "we need to start a new stage of relations between our churches and break down the walls of old prejudices".

The pontiff is convinced that disagreements must be overcome through dialogue, mercy and truth.

The Pope said he hopes for closer cooperation between Orthodox and Catholics in dialogue with other religious traditions.

The pontiff also noted that he feels a "true brother" of Patriarch Bartholomew and is looking forward to "meeting with him here in Rome next October on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of his election".

Earlier, the Phanar hierarch called the Pope his patriarch and beloved father.

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