US politician: Persecution of the Church in the USSR is Christian Holocaust

Candace Owens. Photo:

American political activist and conservative publicist Candace Owens criticized Western media for their insufficient attention to the persecution of Christians worldwide.

Owens noted that the persecution of Christians is rarely covered in the media. She recalled instances where the murders of Christians attracted almost no public attention.

Candace Owens cited the example of Francisco Massaya from Mozambique, killed by Islamic insurgents in 2022, and Sister Maria de Coppi, a Comboni missionary nun, who was murdered there in a similar way.

Candace further criticized the media for their refusal to cover anti-Christian crimes or cases of persecution against Christians, focusing on the sufferings of other groups instead.

She underscored the importance of discussing crimes committed during the Soviet Union and in other communist countries, mentioning Genrikh Yagoda, the former head of the NKVD, who was responsible for building two canals with the slave labor force made up of the political prisoners in the Gulag prison system.

In one project alone, up to 25,000 Gulag prisoner-slaves died. Many of them were Christians, and were there because they were Christians.

"Everyone wants to correlate everything to World War II everyone wants to talk about Adolf Hitler and rightfully so he – was a horrific person. But nobody wants to talk about Genrikh Yagoda, right? Nobody wants to talk about the Bolsheviks, nobody wants to talk about the Christian Holocaust," Owens stated.

Previously, the UOJ reported that Greek media discussed the persecution of journalists in Ukraine.

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