Holy Synod and fullness of UOC congratulate Primate: You are our support

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy. Photo: news.church.ua

This year, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy will celebrate the 10th anniversary of his primatial ministry on the throne of the Kyiv Metropolitans and the 80th anniversary of his birth. On behalf of the Holy Synod and the multimillion flock of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, a congratulatory address to His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Onufriy was delivered by Metropolitan Agafangel of Odesa and Izmail. According to the UOC Information and Education Department, the address was read by the bishop after a service at the capital's Panteleimon Monastery on the feast day of St. Onuphrius the Great, June 25, 2024.

“By the all-good Providence of God, 10 years ago it was deemed appropriate to elevate Your Holiness to the throne of the Kyiv Metropolitans, so that, in the words of St. Gregory the Theologian, you might become a support and crown of faith, a precious pearl of the Church,” noted Metropolitan Agafangel.

He underscored that in this difficult time of turmoil and tribulations, His Beatitude is an example of steadfastness in faith, firmness in archpastoral service, and reverent standing in prayer.

“Your Beatitude, you share in the sorrows of your people and ceaselessly offer your prayers for our God-protected Ukraine, its grieving people, for all the courageous defenders who, in the cold of the trenches, protect our country and land at the cost of their lives; you pray for all who have lost their homes, for our children who flinch at the terrible sounds of bomb and shell explosions, for our parents and elderly, for our brothers and sisters deprived of the joy of praying in their churches, built with love and piety. You pray for our benefactors and persecutors, for those who hate and love us, for our enemies and friends, relatives and loved ones, because prayer is the only force that renders all human malice and godlessness powerless,” he said.

According to Metropolitan Agafangel, the entire fullness of the UOC, with the blessing of the Primate, labors for peace and victory, regularly providing assistance to soldiers, refugees, and needy compatriots.

The UOC hierarch also noted that the life of the Archpastor is a testimony that the strength of the believing Orthodox people is the strength of God's grace.

“At present, in the difficult period of our Church's life, when the malice of the prince of this world is especially manifested, you present to everyone the image of a zealous defender of the Orthodox faith and the Church, boldly, fearlessly, and uncompromisingly upholding canonical Orthodoxy, setting a worthy example for present and future generations,” the greeting said.

He also added that "this year of the Lord's grace and mercy will go down in the history of your life and the chronicle of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church as the jubilee year of your 80th birthday."

"You have reached this milestone with vast spiritual experience, with great merits before the Church and society, with high authority among the clergy and the common faithful people," said Metropolitan Agafangel.

As the UOJ previously reported, on his Name Day, His Beatitude Onufriy performed a service in Feofania.

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