Bulgarian Church: Gay Pride parade demonstrates a sinful way of life

Gay Pride Parade in Sofia, 2022. Photo: sofiapride.org

On June 21, 2024, ahead of "Sofia Pride," which will take place in the Bulgarian capital, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church issued a strong condemnation of the upcoming event.

In the statement, it is noted that on Saturday, June 22, the date scheduled for the gay parade at a time when "Orthodox Christians call upon Almighty God for their deceased loved ones and pray for the repose of their souls."

"On the day when we remember our dead, we will once again witness the public manifestation of sin and its acceptance as a way of life," the statement reads.

The Church expressed regret that contemporary society has lost its connection with Christian roots and distorts such fundamental values as love and freedom. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church emphasizes that true love and respect for a person should not imply silent consent to their destructive path. On the contrary, caring for one's neighbor requires resisting attempts to impose sin as a norm and value.

"Loving, valuing, and respecting a person does not mean remaining silent and indifferent if they have taken a false or destructive path. Therefore, treating everyone with pastoral care, responsibility, and fatherly love, we oppose attempts to impose sin as a norm and value in Bulgarian society," the statement said.

The Church's statement also includes a Bible quote (Ezek. 33:11): "As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways!"

The Bulgarian Church called for repentance and wisdom, hoping for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of all people through the great mercy and love of God.

Previously, the UOJ reported that an LGBT march in Kyiv lasted 10 minutes.

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