UOC-KP's anniversary of split with OCU: Tomos brought dependence on Phanar

"Local Council of the UOC-KP." June 20, 2019. Photo: cerkva.info

On June 20, 2024, a statement was published on the website of the UOC-KP, headed by Filaret Denisenko, on the occasion of the anniversary of the "Local Council of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kyiv Patriarchate." According to the statement, five years ago, the council preserved the Kyiv Patriarchate as a separate church, independent of both Moscow and Constantinople, and spoke the truth about the 2019 Tomos.

This Tomos from the Patriarch of Constantinople, as emphasized in the publication, "brought subordination to the Greek throne".

"The delegates of the council once again clearly declared their commitment to the Kyiv church tradition, and their unbreakable will to have their own Patriarch. ... The Kyiv patriarchal throne is a spiritual adornment in the family of Universal Orthodoxy and the Christian world. The time will come when it will be honored," the statement reads.

According to their press service, the Kyiv Patriarchate is "the only truly independent Church of the Ukrainian people".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote about how the OCU is actually fighting for unity.

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