A believer about standing: If everyone comes, we'll block Kyiv and suburbs

A UOC believer at a prayer standing near the Verkhovna Rada on June 15. Photo: screenshot of the First Cossack YouTube channel

During the prayer standing at the Verkhovna Rada on June 15, a UOC believer said that if all the laity had come to the prayer standing, they would have blocked not only the whole of Kyiv, but also the suburbs, since the UOC believers are in the majority in Ukraine, according to the First Cossack YouTube channel.

“It is disappointing that the President or his representative did not go out to the people, that he (the President – Ed.) neglected the standing. After all, we are the majority. Many were not able to come; otherwise they would have blocked not only most of the city, but also the suburbs. We did not come here from Russia, America, Belarus, Greece or other countries: we are native citizens of this country, we were born here, our children are born here too,” said the UOC believer.

Recall that on June 15, 20,000 believers of the UOC held a prayer standing at the Verkhovna Rada, where they passed two bills in defense of the UOC and also walked in a cross procession with the to the Office of Vladimir Zelensky.

As the UOJ previously reported, the priest of the UOC said that if the head of Phanar arrived, we would show how many of us there are.

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