Amsterdam: After Swiss summit, Ukrainian govt plans crackdowns against UOC

Robert Amsterdam. Photo: Fox News

The head of the international human rights company "Amsterdam & Partners LLP," Robert Amsterdam, stated that after the "Peace Summit" currently taking place in Switzerland, the authorities will launch a new wave of repression against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He wrote about this on his X.

"I have been informed by multiple sources that the Ukrainian government is planning an aggressive wave of crackdowns against members of the UOC upon conclusion of the Swiss peace conference," Amsterdam wrote.

He also said he is very concerned about his colleague, lawyer Nikita Chekman, who is a potential target. "We support Ukraine, we support its defense. But this war can never serve as a pretext for impunity for the Zelenskyy administration to break the law and violate human rights," wrote the UOC's lawyer.


As previously reported by the UOJ, Amsterdam stated that an "unlimited" war has been declared against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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