Bigorski Monastery monks of Macedonian Church meet with Phanar head

Representatives of the Bigorski Monastery at the Phanar. Photo: orthodoxtimes

Monks from the Bigorski Monastery (Ohrid Archdiocese), Archimandrite Kirillos and Hieromonk Erasmos, took part in the festivities celebrating the name day of the head of the Ecumenical Patriarch, reports

Patriarch Bartholomew expressed heartfelt gratitude to the brotherhood for their congratulations and sent blessings to the clergy and people of the Ohrid Archdiocese.

Following their visit to Istanbul, a publication appeared on the Bigorski Monastery's website with congratulations to Patriarch Bartholomew.

“The Fraternity of the Bigorski Monastery thanks God that today on the Holy Ecumenical Throne there is such a divine personality who is a blessing for the whole Church of Christ. Our joy is great that in these stormy times, we have a leader whose wisdom and spiritual depth lead the faithful to the light of the knowledge of Christ. From the depths of his heart, our Elder, Bishop Parthenios of Antania, together with his monks and nuns, wishes His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew many more years to lead the Church of Christ, as he has done so far, with good works, heavenly wisdom, and fatherly love.

We humbly ask the Lord to send him heavenly help for the heavy cross he has lifted and the great responsibility he has for the Holy Church of God. May He multiply his love, wisdom, and discernment, which are his characteristics, and support him in all his noble efforts. Every word and action of his is a testament to the power of faith and love for one’s neighbor, which is for us an example and inspiration.”

As previously reported by the UOJ, Metropolitan Naum of Strumica of the Macedonian Orthodox Church stated that Patriarch Bartholomew does not demand recognition of the OCU but only requires concelebration with its "hierarchs". He noted that "it is easiest to remain in a comfortable position and not take on any responsibility, but this path never ends well."

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