Due to provocations, Met. Theodosiy requests court to move hearings online

Metropolitan Theodosiy near the courthouse. Photo: UOJ

Metropolitan Theodosiy (Snigirev) of Cherkasy and Kaniv (UOC) stated that he intended to request the court to move the hearings online due to ongoing provocations outside the courthouse.

Addressing the believers who came to support him at the courthouse, His Eminence said, "We cannot come to the court calmly and leave the court calmly".

"Unfortunately, the police cannot ensure our safety: hands are broken, cars are smashed, hooligans stick their legs under the wheels," Metropolitan Theodosiy said.

His Eminence recalled the broken arm of Nadia Cherniavska and reported that the lawyer from Kyiv could not come due to a knee injury.

He emphasized that he could risk himself but could not risk his flock. "Therefore, we will probably ask the court to allow us to participate in these hearings remotely," resumed the UOC hierarch.

As reported, the hierarch of the UOC made an urgent appeal to the UN near the courthouse in Cherkasy.

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