His Beatitude to KDAiS students and academic staff: Trials did not break you

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Photo: news.church.ua

The final meeting of the Academic Council of the Kyiv Theological Schools for the 2023/2024 academic year took place at the Holosiiv Monastery in Kyiv. According to the KDAiS website, the meeting on June 11, 2024, was chaired by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine.

The meeting was attended by the rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary, Archbishop Sylvester of Bilohorodka, the abbot of the Holy Intercession Monastery in Holosiiv, Archbishop Isaac of Vorzel, the vice-rector for educational work, Bishop Ambrose of Zghurivka, and members of the theological schools' faculty.

In his opening remarks, Archbishop Sylvester thanked Archbishop Isaac for enabling the Kyiv Theological Schools to operate at the new location. He noted that this place was also sanctified by the prayers of Saint Peter Mohyla, the founder of not only the Kyiv Theological Academy but also the Holosiiv Hermitage. "Today, the Academic Council is a testament to the existence of the Kyiv Theological Schools, rooted in a distant historical past," said the archbishop.

Following this, the rector invited His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry to speak, who noted that the past year had been really challenging.

"However, difficulties, on the contrary, help a person. In difficulties, a person perfects himself. The burden stimulates a person to discover the divine gift that each one possesses. In the faces of the faculty, students, and pupils, we see people who did not break in difficulties but became stronger and more perfect," said the Primate of the UOC.

According to him, a change of location should not alter good intentions.

"The goals of the theological schools remain primary and a priority for the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church, maintaining their mission of teaching and knowing God by the seekers," concluded His Beatitude and thanked everyone for their work throughout the academic year.

As reported, two students at the Kyiv Theological Schools were tonsured as monks.

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