UOC believer: Authorities have continuous failures but take on Church

A UOC believer at the prayer standing near the Verkhovna Rada. Photo: a screenshot of the “1Kozak” Youtube channel

During the prayer standing near the Verkhovna Rada on June 1, the UOC believer said that there are many problems in Ukraine that need to be solved, and the power has taken on the Church, as if the Church is the biggest problem, reports the “1Kozak” Youtube channel.

“In our country, laws do not work, the Constitution does not work, the state interferes in the affairs of the Church ... There are so many problems, only continuous failures, but they took on the Church. The biggest problem in the country is the Church. Faith and language. People will start speaking the language when they see that the state is doing something for them, putting effort... So far, only lawlessness happens. We know the Ukrainian language but we do not want to speak it, because it is being imposed on us. Let them do what they should do,” said the UOC believer.

According to her, the UOC already gained independence in the 90s, and for the supporters of the OCU, the current Tomos is a matter of politics rather than faith.

“We have the Tomos from the Patriarch (Letter by Patriarch Alexy II on granting the UOC on self-government dated October 27, 1990 – Ed.). It hangs on our notice board (in the temple – Ed.). They came and repeatedly tore it, burnt it, and even in my presence the young man burnt it because they don’t like the fact that this Tomos was received long ago, they don’t want anyone to read this Tomos. It is purely politics, from that end no one defends the faith,” she added.

As previously reported, a UOC believer told the reporters about the closure of the church after an attempted raider seizure.

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