Macedonian bishops refuse to serve with Bulgarian hierarch because of OCU

From left to right: Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora BOC, Archbishop Stefan, Bishop Arsenije of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Nis. Photo:

Two hierarchs of the Macedonian Orthodox Church refused to serve in the liturgy where Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church participated, who had previously served with "hierarchs" of the OCU, Metropolitan Yevstratiy Zoria and Metropolitan Avraamy Lotysh.

According to Macedonian media reports, the bishops in question are Metropolitan Gregory (Nasteski) of Kumanovo and Osogovo and Metropolitan Peter (Karevski) of Prespa and Pelagonia.

Metropolitans Peter and Gregory refused to participate in the liturgy, which was performed on the occasion of the canonization of new Macedonian saints on June 9, 2024, at the Church of St. Sophia.

In Macedonia, it is reported that the actions of the metropolitans were prompted by the fact that Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora participated in the liturgy as a representative of the Bulgarian Church.

Thus, it is claimed in the media that the specified hierarchs "caused a scandal that occurred in front of guests from the Serbian and Bulgarian Churches."

In particular, Metropolitan Gregory did not come to Ohrid at all, while Metropolitan Peter came but refused to concelebrate in the liturgy.

It should be noted that the liturgy was led by the Primate of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Stefan, who was concelebrated by, in addition to Macedonian hierarchs and Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora, Bishop Arseny of Nis of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Earlier, the ROC broke off communion with the hierarchs of Bulgaria who concelebrated with the OCU.

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