Abp. Nikolai: We demand implementation of Constitution in relation to UOC

Archbishop Nikolai (Pochtovy) speaks at a prayer event at the Verkhovna Rada. Photo: t.me/upc_news

The only thing that the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have demanded and are demanding from the authorities is to treat them in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine. The vicar of the Kiev diocese of the UOC, Archbishop Nikolai (Pochtovy) of Vasilkiv, said this at a prayer meeting of believers at the walls of the Verkhovna Rada on June 15, 2021. The video from the scene was broadcast by First Cossack.

The hierarch noted that representatives of the largest confession of the country came to the Ukrainian parliament "to pay attention to the fact that persecution continues on religious grounds in the center of Europe in the 21st century."

“Since Ukraine received the Tomos, nearly 500 temples have been taken away from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” said Archbishop Nikolai. “500 persecuted parishes, hundreds of thousands of crippled human destinies. Not paying attention to this is not just lawlessness: it is cynicism; it is un-love for your people. How did it happen that the largest religious community in Ukraine became an enemy in its own country? Why are we put in opposition to the state? Aren’t we citizens of Ukraine?"

He stressed that all these years the Church has not demanded anything from the authorities, except for one thing: relationship in acoordance with the Constitution of Ukraine.

“And today, at the parliament’s walls, we are also asking to be treated in accordance with the Constitution. But doesn't it seem strange that people ask the authorities to observe the rule of law? " - noted the hierarch of the UOC.

As the UOJ reported, on June 15, representatives of the Miriane public association brought to the Verkhovna Rada two bills aimed at protecting the rights of believers in the UOC. The "laity" called on the Ukrainian Orthodox to join the prayer stand at the walls of the parliament to support this initiative.

According to the estimates of the representatives of the NGO "Laity", more than 20 thousand believers gathered for the prayer action.

From the Verkhovna Rada, the believers went on a religious procession to the Office of the President of Ukraine, where they submitted the same bills. The UOJ broadcast the events.

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