Macedonian bishop: Fanar demands not to recognize OCU but to serve with it

Metropolitan Naum. Photo:

Metropolitan Naum of Strumica of the Macedonian Orthodox Church stated that Patriarch Bartholomew does not demand recognition of the OCU from the Primate of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, but only demands to "simply" serve with its "hierarchs".

In an interview with the Strumica publication, Metropolitan Naum stated that "there is misinformation in society about the issue of autocephaly of Ukraine."

According to him, "no one is asking the Macedonian Orthodox Church to recognize the OCU now, but Bartholomew's proposal is to establish contacts and possible concelebration of bishops of the Macedonian Orthodox Church who want this, with the 'hierarchs' of the OCU".

"As for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the demand of the Ecumenical Patriarchate is not to recognize this Church, but only to serve with its 'hierarchs', and not with all of us, but with those who want to," he said.

He added that "this issue is not insoluble, especially if we take into account that other Churches have solved the problem likewise, and thus the unity of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church could be preserved".

"Here, of course, we are talking about the Moscow Patriarchate and its interests. With such a decision, no one will be completely satisfied, neither Constantinople nor Moscow. But no one should be completely dissatisfied either. It is important that the general church unity, directly or indirectly, be maintained, which is the most important thing," the hierarch said.

According to him, "thanks to this unity, not only do they serve together, but they are also commemorated in the Holy Liturgy, which is a wonderful demonstration of unity".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church stated that the conditions for receiving the Tomos from the Phanar are unacceptable.

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