UOC hierarch: Standing near the VR is an opportunity to practice your faith

Bishop Victor of Baryshevka. Photo: facebook.com/V.D.Kotsaba

Participation in a prayer standing near the Verkhovna Rada on June 15 and its support is an opportunity to profess one's faith in the Risen Christ, wrote the Head of the UOC Representation to European International Organizations, Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) of Baryshevka in his Telegram channel.

“Orthodox Christians can defend the Church with the help of a powerful weapon – prayer,” Vladyka noted. “That is why, tomorrow at 9:00 am the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will gather near the Verkhovna Rada for a prayer standing.

For the first time in the history of our state, the believers will submit to the people's representatives an appeal with bills aimed at destroying the lawlessness in relation to our Church, which we have witnessed in our time."

The hierarch emphasized that the state should ensure equal rights for all citizens; however, in practice, in Ukraine, believers of one confession are oppressed, favor is given to another denomination, while officials and law enforcement agencies commit crimes and often even become involved in them.

The authorities did not attach importance to the million signatures against the anti-church laws, hence the believers decided not to be silent anymore, but to unite and stand up for the protection of the Church.

“In this situation, we cannot remain indifferent,” emphasized Bishop Victor. “To stand up for the protection of the Church means to stand up for the protection of your own Mother. Direct participation in the action, which is organized by the "Miriane" public organization, as well as its prayer support in all corners of Ukraine, is an opportunity to profess your own faith in the Risen Christ.”

As reported by the UOJ, "Miriane" explained how believers can join the movement.

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