Radicals once again attempt to provoke Bishop Theodosiy near Cherkasy court

Provocateurs near the court building in Cherkasy. Photo: 18000

On June 6, a hearing in the case of Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv was held, reports 18000.

Believers gathered outside the courthouse to support the archbishop. Radicals also attended the hearing, attempting once again to provoke Metropolitan Theodosiy.

They brought portraits of ROC Patriarch Kirill and Russian President Vladimir Putin, laying them near the entrance to the court premises so that the metropolitan would step on the images. This time, a scuffle broke out at the courthouse gates as UOC parishioners tried to stop the provocateurs.

As reported, at the previous hearing, the judge ordered an extension of Metropolitan Theodosiy's night house arrest from 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM until July 27.

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