Primate of American Church visits monastic abodes of Ternopil region

Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada in Kremenets Convent. Photo:

On June 3, 2024, after a pilgrimage visit to the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra, His Beatitude Archbishop Tikhon, Metropolitan of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, visited the fraternal cemetery where the deceased residents of the Pochaiv Monastery, the Holy Spirit Skete in Pochaiv and the Epiphany Nunnery in Kremenets are buried. This was reported by the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

In the pilgrimage the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America was accompanied by Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopil and Kremenets, Metropolitan Clement of Nizhyn and Pryluky, Chairman of the Information and Education Department of the UOC, Metropolitan Volodymyr of Pochaiv, Vicar of the Pochaiv Lavra, Rector of Pochaiv Theological Seminary Archbishop Job of Shumsk, Rector of Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary Archbishop Sylvester of Bilohorodka, Bishop Kleopa of Novoselytsia.

At the fraternal cemetery His Beatitude prayed for the repose of the souls of the deceased residents of the Pochaiv Lavra. After that His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon visited the Holy Spirit Skete.

Then the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America and the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church traveled to the Epiphany Convent in Kremenets, where the head of the OCA prayed before the miracle-working icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Joy of All Who Sorrow”.

During his visit to the Kremenets Monastery, Metropolitan Tikhon thanked Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopil and Kremenets, the abbesses and the nuns of the monastery for their hospitality and invoked God's blessing on the holy abode. Vladyka Sergiy, the Abbess and the sisters of the Kremenets Convent congratulated the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America on Easter and presented him with Easter gifts.

As the the UOJ wrote, the head of the OCA worshiped the relics of Sts Job and Amphilochius in the Pochaiv Lavra.

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