Met. Luke reports to Zaporizhzhia deputies on infringement of UOC rights

Head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council Elena Zhuk and Metropolitan Luke. Photo:

On June 8, 2021, Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol held a presentation meeting at the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council with local deputies, during which he spoke about the activities of the eparchy and also focused on anti-church laws and bills, reports the official website of the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy of the UOC.

The chairman of the regional council Elena Zhuk said at the beginning of the meeting that the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council is open for cooperation with representatives of different denominations, and today's meeting is the beginning of such a dialogue. Metropolitan Luke noted that the media do not always write the truth about the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy and the entire UOC, so he will be glad if this meeting helps the deputies to better know what the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the eparchy headed by the bishop are doing.

Vladyka drew the attention of the deputies to laws and bills that infringe on the rights of the UOC and its faithful, which have already been adopted and are also being considered by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In particular, he spoke about the absurdity of the bill on renaming. “According to one of these laws, we are required to rename, wishing to call our Church the “Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine,” Metropolitan Luke said. “But, excuse me ... The Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church appointed me to the Zaporizhzhia see, all property is located on the territory of Ukraine. I am a citizen of Ukraine and I have no other citizenships. Our priests, as well as parishioners, are citizens of Ukraine. As a bishop, I take part in working out the decisions of the ROC, but not a single Russian bishop has the right to influence the decisions of our Synod. Considering all this, how can the UOC be called a non-independent "enemy structure"? "

Vladyka suggested that the regional council deputies appeal to the Verkhovna Rada to abolish anti-church laws and not adopt new ones. Separately, Metropolitan Luke spoke about the main priorities of the eparchy's activities: about working with children and youth at Sunday schools, cultural and educational events, aid for participants and victims of the ATO / JFO, support for mothers and wives whose sons and husbands died in the east of the country, etc.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their hope for a constructive dialogue and cooperation in the future. For the deeds of love for the good of the inhabitants of the region, the deputies, having risen from their seats, thanked Vladyka Luke and, in his person, the entire Zaporizhzhia Eparchy of the UOC with prolonged applause.

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