UOC priest participates in celebrations of the Polish Church in Poznań

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the St. Nicholas Church of the Polish Orthodox Church in Poznań. Photo: the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy

On 26 May 2024, in the city of Poznań, Archpriest Alexei Shapoval, a cleric of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy of the UOC, took part in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the St. Nicholas Church of the Polish Orthodox Church, as reported on the Telegram channel of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy.

The priest of the UOC arrived at the celebration with the blessing of Archbishop Victor of Khmelnytskyi and Starokostiantyniv and at the invitation of the rector of the St. Nicholas Church in Poznań, Archpriest Slavomir Kondratiuk.

The festive service and the consecration of the new church altar were officiated by the hierarchs of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church – Archbishop George of Wrocław and Szczecin and Bishop Athanasius of Łódź and Poznań.

Special prayers were offered during the service for the establishment of peace worldwide, especially in Ukraine.

"The Orthodox community of the St. Nicholas Church in Poznań has been caring for Ukrainians who have been forced to leave their homeland due to Russia's war against Ukraine for over two years," the message said.

As the UOJ wrote, Polish media reported on the persecution of the UOC in Ukraine.

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