Believers hindered from praying at seized church in Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi

Prayer of the UOC believers near the temple in Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi. May 31, 2024. Photo: Screenshot of video

Representatives of the OCU and people in military uniforms continue to block the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ of the UOC in Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi in the Cherkasy region. As reported by the Dozor_kozak1 Telegram channel, raiders patrol the perimeter of the church and do not allow parishioners to enter their church.

Orthodox Christians are at the fence. Believers, along with the rector, pray next to their captured sanctuary. In order to drown out the words of prayer, the invaders brought speakers playing songs.

At the same time, aggressive women insult parishioners, trying to knock cameras out of their hands and calling them names.

Believing women try to talk to people in military uniforms who are on the church grounds, asking whom they are fighting against now.

A recording of a conversation between one of the UOC parishioners and the night raiders who are seizing the sanctuary was published on the channel.

"My brother prayed in the bushes in Bakhmut. He was shot through his head. Another two are lying buried in the damp ground. Look at yourself, what you are. You resemble Satan because you took away our church," she addressed one of them.

Journalists write that Orthodox Christians prayed in this church for their relatives who are now on the front lines.

"So much pain and abuse towards the relatives of Orthodox warriors," the message says.

It is added in the Telegram channel that the raiders broke locks in the church and the bell tower, and a cleric of the OCU was also seen on the premises.

"They came at night, with some kind of crowbars, calling themselves the 'community of this church'. Although we have never seen them in the church. They have never entered this church. They have not participated in the life of the parish in any way. The police arrived. They do not let believers into this cathedral on the church grounds. The police are protecting those seizing the church," parishioners reported.

As the UOJ wrote, on May 30, around midnight, the Cathedral of the Holy Mandylion of the UOC was seized in the city of Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi, Cherkasy region.

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