Theologian of Bulgaria: Concelebration of BOC and OCU is geopolitics

Hierarchs from the Phanar and Bulgarian hierarchs during a service with representatives of the OCU. Photo:

Professor Ivan Zhelev, senior lecturer, Professor of Holy Scripture of the New Testament at the Faculty of Theology of Sofia University, stated that the joint service of Bulgarian hierarchs and representatives of the OCU at the Phanar is geopolitics.

Ivan Zhelev noted that there is "ecclesiastical policy", and, referring to Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv, who did not withdraw his candidacy from the upcoming elections for the position of Patriarch of the Bulgarian Church, said that "some people are trying to create a lobby."

"Some people buy votes with money, others with gifts, and still others with pressure or promises. It is not excluded that this will also happen," Zhelev believes.

Commenting on the concelebration of Bulgarians with Zoria and Lotysh from the OCU, the professor noted that "this was a step by Metropolitan Nicholas to make a little publicity for himself."

"Moreover, we are having elections now, and Euro-Atlanticism is very trendy. Patriarch Bartholomew is a person supported by the State Department, and it is very prestigious to be in good relations with him," Zhelev said.

According to the professor, Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv went to the Phanar "to pay homage to him and gain support."

"Now he is a supporter of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. They co-served with these Ukrainians whom the Bulgarian Church did not recognize – this is a violation of canons," he said, emphasizing that "geopolitics thus ushers in the Church."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that representatives of the Bulgarian Church co-served with "hierarchs" of the OCU in Istanbul.

Later, it was reported from Bulgaria on who could become the new Patriarch.

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