It is reported from Bulgaria who could become the new Patriarch

Hierarchs of the Bulgarian Church. Photo:

Ivan Zhelev, a senior lecturer and professor of Holy Scripture of the New Testament at the Theological Faculty of Sofia University, shared insights into who might become the next Patriarch of the Bulgarian Church.

According to Professor Ivan Zhelev, "there is church politics, and some people are trying to create lobbies."

Zhelev mentioned that among the three contenders for the position of the new Patriarch are Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv, Metropolitan John of Varna, and Metropolitan Gregory of Vratsa.

"Metropolitan Naum of Ruse is also mentioned, and we should not exclude Metropolitan Gabriel of Lovech," clarified the theologian.

"The faction led by Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv has gained another supporter (Metropolitan Arseniy of Sliven), which opens up the possibility for him to be elected patriarch," he added.

Regarding Metropolitan Arseniy of Sliven, Zhelev believes he is "a creation" of Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv:

"He ordained him as a priest. Then, at his proposal, he was ordained as a bishop. Metropolitan Nicholas prepared him for years. This is already a fact."

However, Zhelev expressed hope that the new Metropolitan of Sliven "will show sensibility and calm, will be able to cool passions in the diocese and fulfill well what he says."

In the professor's opinion, "The Church, clergy, and clerics should be engaged in fulfilling their professional duties."

"There are so many things that the Church should do for ordinary people. The Church is meant for the weary and burdened," the professor concluded.

He also expressed hope that in the upcoming elections for the new Patriarch, representatives of the diocese will vote conscientiously.

Earlier, it was reported that a hierarch of the BOC, who served with the OCU, did not withdraw his candidacy from the Patriarchal elections.

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