BOC hierarch who served with OCU does not withdraw as a patriarch candidate

Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv. Photo:

Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv did not withdraw his candidacy from the election for the position of the new Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, according to Ivan Zhelev, a senior lecturer and professor of Holy Scripture of the New Testament at the Theological Faculty of Sofia University.

Professor Zhelev stated that Metropolitan Nicholas "did not submit a written withdrawal from participating in the race for the position of the new Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, as he claimed some time ago."

He noted, "We do not know what will happen until three candidates for patriarchs are elected."

Zhelev also mentioned that "people really want" Metropolitan Nicholas to run. "There will be propaganda, and some voters will be motivated" (to vote for Metropolitan Nicholas), the professor forecasted.

Earlier, it was reported that Metropolitan Nicholas withdrew his candidacy from the election for the Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

The UOJ also reported that representatives of the Bulgarian Church also co-served with "hierarchs" of the OCU in Istanbul.

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