A new Metropolitan of Sliven elected in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church

The newly elected Metropolitan of Sliven, Arseniy. Photo: bg-patriarshia.bg

The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church has elected a new ruling hierarch of the widowed Sliven Eparchy. As reported by the official website of the Bulgarian Patriarchate, the elections took place on May 26, 2024, in the Synodal Chapel of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Boris-Mikhail in Sofia.

The Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne of the Bulgarian Church, Metropolitan Grigory of Vratsa, opened the voting, which took place in the altar of the synodal chapel on the holy throne.

"The metropolitans took the voting ballots and an empty envelope, entered the altar, kissed the Holy Gospel and the Holy Cross, and wrote down their choice on the altar throne," the statement said.

A total of 12 ballots were submitted by the attending members of the Holy Synod. 7 votes were cast by the metropolitans for the candidacy of Bishop Arseniy of Znepol. The second candidate, Bishop Gerasim of Melnik, received 5 votes.

Bishop Arseniy was supported by Metropolitans Grigory of Veliko Tarnovo, Ignatius of Pleven, Nicholas of Plovdiv, Antony of Western and Central Europe, Naum of Rousse, Cyprian of Stara Zagora, and Jacob of Dorostol.

As reported by the UOJ, representatives of the Bulgarian Church co-served with "hierarchs" of the OCU in Istanbul. Metropolitans Nicholas of Plovdiv, Cyprian of Stara Zagora, Jacob of Dorostol. Bishops Zion of Velichka and Vissarion of Smolyan also participated in the service.

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