ES MP calls UOC a sect and accuses authorities of delaying its ban

Oleh Syniutka. Photo:

"If the mono-majority wanted to pass a law banning pseudo-religious sects led by Moscow Patriarch Kirill on the territory of Ukraine, this bill would have long been passed and become law," said Oleh Syniutka, an MP from the "European Solidarity" party. Another instance of inciting religious hatred and slander against Ukraine's largest denomination came from a representative of this party on the Espresso TV channel.

Syniutka believes the current authorities are doing everything to delay the consideration of bill No. 8371.

"I believe that the negotiations and the authorities’ position that the bill on pseudo-religious Moscow organizations should be considered in the second and third readings is wrong," continued the MP, insulting millions of believers. "Yes, such a procedure is provided by law and regulations. But if I am not mistaken, it has never been used."

Expressing dissatisfaction with the Ukrainian parliamentarians' attempts to follow regulations, he decided to refer to international law.

"Our partners have a very clear position: there is law and international law. If it corresponds to the letter and spirit of the law, then it can and should be adopted," he stated.

The politician concluded that the adoption of the law banning the UOC "is needed not by 'European Solidarity', not by Ukrainian Churches but by society." Because, in his opinion, the faster bill No. 8371 is passed, the "sooner our victory over the Muscovites will come."

As reported by the UOJ, MP Artem Dmytruk called the initiators of the UOC ban enemies of the Ukrainian people who need war.

Additionally, a US senator told pranksters why persecuting the UOC is not advisable.

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